... if you want to start counting from the border. We've kind of already started the trip; we just stopped off at our house along the way to pack up all our stuff.
Things are depressing here. We're excited about what lies ahead, and once we get on the road and start the journey I think we will get into the mood. Right now the only thing we see is packing, and leaving our world here in Madera. Yesterday was our last Sunday at our church here;
This afternoon I took some time out of the packing routine to run a box of apples out to the children's home. Things seem to be going well there; there are 28 kids there now, but also 4 men and 3 or 4 women helping out, working with the kids, with the animals, the cooking and the laundry. The place has changed quite a bit in some ways since we got here, and in some ways hasn't changed much at all.
I think Honduras is going to be a good thing, but at this point, it's hard to leave. This has become our home. We can hardly drive across town without seeing and waving to someone we know. We know the vet, the mechanics, the gas station workers, quite a few of the checkers and workers in the grocery stores and hardware stores by sight. We've had dealings with most of the police officers in town (all in a good way!), some of the local government officials and all the emergency medical guys in town (also in a good way). Living in a small town like this, anywhere, it tends to grow on you. I guess the only thing we can hope is that we've left an impression as well - a good one. Whatever our reasons or purposes for being here, completely aside of anything to do with the children's home here, we walk the streets here everyday as ambassadors for both Christ and Uncle Sam; from the moment people see us here, they see us as gringos, and from the time they talk to us and find out why we are here they know we are Christians and missionaries. Our mission here, to a great degree, has been to positively represent both rolls to the best of our ability to all who see us.
In some sense, the role of missionary - at least in where we are and what we do here - is a self-terminating role, kind of like that of a parent. As hard as it is, if all goes well the time comes when your job is done, and it's time to move on; and as much as we have found our place here and settled into the town and the life here, as much as there are still projects and work at the children's home, with the level of help they have there now they don't really need us - not so much that it's worth the resources for us to live here. And so as we try to shoehorn all our stuff into the truck - and now a trailer, too - and travel on to the next chapter in our lives, it reminds us that the entirety of life itself is a mission, it's all-too short-term, and that someday we will be called upon to leave all this behind as well, and move on to something else.
Gracias a Dios we don't have to pack for that one.
1 comment:
October 7, 2008
YOU ARE LOVED & MISSED & PRAYED FOR… as you continue on the next leg of “God’s Great Adventure of Obedience” for your lives!!!!!
Though time and distance separate us... YOU ARE ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTS & PRAYERS!!!
Your family is a 'shining example' of what it means to "walk out The Faith.. daily"!!! Thank you for this 'continual example' of faithfulness in action.
I know that it is difficult to leave.. 'anyplace' where you have invested you hearts and lives.. and this is what you have done in Madera!!! Your Father is pleased and proud of you.. and so are we!!!! And yet, this is what God is all about.. "sowing" His seeds of love and compassion through His Kids as they walk through His world 'Hugging His Kids along the way!!!
And now... He has you on a new "Great Adventure".. He is taking you to another corner of His vineyard where He needs some more "seed sowing and hugging" to be done… and you are just the right family to do it!!!
As I look at the “Sowers” site, I am thrilled that God has called you to such a “Great Mission” for His Kingdom. God has much for you to do as you join hearts and hands with this ministry. The emphasis of supporting the ‘local pastors’ as God calls ‘them to shepherd His Flock’ is an incredible gift to that the “Hayes Family” brings Honduras. You are well suited and prepared to minister to the ministers as you walk alongside them in this Great Adventure of ‘Sowing the Seeds’ of Christ and His love both in ‘action and word (Espanola).
Please forgive me for my sparse communication to you as you have walked in obedience to the Father’s Heart and calling in your lives.. I will do better!!!! I called today.. hoping to reach you before you left.. ; ( but as you know.. I was too late.
Sooooooooooo… I WILL DO BETTER in not only LOVING, MISSING & PRAYING FOR YOU… I WILL ALSO.. COMMUNICATE WITH WORDS!!!!!! Thank you for your kindness and grace you have given me in my Journey as Shepherd of God’s Flock (The Hayes Family) as they are on ‘assignment’ in the far corners of Our Father’s vineyard!!!!!!!
I am reminded by His Word of your “GREAT HEARTS & MISSION” as you have chosen to follow the heart and leading of the Lord from the beginning of your journey to Mexico.. You are truly “GIVERS” who have demonstrated what it means to give both sacrificially and cheerfully of your lives and resources for the ‘extending’ of God’s Kingdom.. Thank you for your powerful example of ‘Obedience and Fathfulness’… we are blessed to share the journey together!!! I will let the passage speak for itself…
2 Corinthians 9:7-15
“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. {8} And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. {9} As it is written: "He has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor; his righteousness endures forever." {10} Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. {11} You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. {12} This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. {13} Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else. {14} And in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you, because of the surpassing grace God has given you. {15} Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!”
I will be following your Great Adventure as you travel to your ‘next’ place of Obedience.. as God is bringing you to ‘continue’…. ‘Hugging and Helping’ His Kids in Honduras!!!!
It is possible that we are going to Guatemala in January.. ‘maybe’ in God’s will we can hop down to Honduras to Hug and be Hugged by the Hayes family.. pray for His will to be done ; )
Your are deep in our Hearts and Prayers!!!
Because of Jesus.. Together in the Journey,
Pastor Mike & Lar
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