The Sowers family gets Kids Against Hunger boxes shipped down in containers from the states that they use for their feeding centers along with this special program. Basically, these families are not only from an incredibly poor aldea (community) but have one or more children with serious disabilities.
Every month we take out a portion of boxes to supplement their diets. These bags contain rice, dehydrated veggies, Textured Vegetable Protein, and a variety of vitamins and minerals added in. This bag containes 6-8 portions.
Anyway - normally Alan takes these boxes all the way out to Quelecasque but with the rainy season - there are times when he can't get across in the truck. We try to check with the ladies a few days before we go out to see how the river is and whether vehicles are crossing to save them the 2 hour WALK to meet us at the bridge (THEN the 2 hour walk HOME with the boxes) but this time we couldn't get through. We went figuring the river was impassable but GRACIAS A DIOS we were able to get over.
When we got there we had fun chatting and oohing and ahhing over Maria Carla's new baby. She's healthy and darling and they are very grateful to God for that.
We were presented with a gift of Platanos
which will be in a future 'foodie' post and a chicken. I have already dealt with butchered chickens so THAT won't show up in a future FOOD related post; unless it has to do with eggs.
See the 'peace' sign? We mean it - at least for this chicken...
Here's a picture of the food delivery truck.... (look - I let my kids go on that ride!! What a mom.)
I was on the bridge with the rest of the ladies.
SOMEBODY has to take 'the truck being a real truck and fording a large river' picture you know.
.....Why yes, it's a 4 x4....
....even though you can't see the tires. (!!!!)
.....Whew! He made it. Alan is awesome and has been given the spiritual gift of driving that monster. I mean it - it's spiritual. I pray a lot.
We met up on the other side and away we went. It was a fun ride for us as I was able to get to chat with some of the ladies that were riding up front and it's rather entertaining for all to be in a vehicle on that road....
As we were talking they were mentioning the huge economic problems, the climate and the effect it has on their crops and therefore their available FOOD. It is an enormous issue. They've said this food is a huge help to provide for their families. As basic as it is - it's something for them to put on the table and they are grateful.
They mentioned several prayer needs that I would like to pass on.
Margarita Benitez - (She is on the far right of the picture with Maria Carla and her baby) She has had some ongoing health issues with something akin to Epilepsy. The local doctors don't have much with which to treat this. Also, her husband is taking some classes for ordination and tomorrow is his final exam!
Maria Carla - (mama to the new baby) She's had some post baby physical aliments that are wearing her down, neck pain along with headaches. Plus, one of her sons, the one with the major physical/mental condition is becoming somewhat beligerent and physically hard to handle
So as we sit down at our table, we'll be remembering these ladies in prayer. 'Foodie Friday' lesson for me is to be thankful for the abundance that God has blessed us with and pray that I'm able to share it all as willingly as these ladies do.
The truck pictures look like something out of a truck commerical! :)
What a sacrifice to miss out on the ride but glad you took the real truck fording a river photos.
Hope the chicken enjoys giving eggs.... just show her your red pan if she starts to falter... :)
Thank you for passing along the prayer requests for these ladies, and for the reminder to be so very grateful for all that we have.
You are some brave mom, letting your kiddos go on that ride, LOL!
your man is cool!
Love the truck pics.
Trish ummm Ward
your man is cool.
Love the truck pics.
Trish W
Oh, uh... ok... I almost had a few heart attack's looking at those river crossing photos!! could you hear me yelling, "Get out of that!" Egad. What are you trying to do to me?! ;-)
Will pray for these womena and people group. Thank you for sharing the requests. What an opportunity you have.
in Him,
(Yes! Copy away! And yea! You're right, I'll have some good blog fodder after the trips.)
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